Rules a Regulations

1. A belt is require if the garment has belt loops.

2. Shirts (including t-shirt) must be tucked in.

3. Skirts should be upto knees.

4. Shoes must be safe and appropriate.

5. Clothes must be appropriate size, with waist of garment worn at student’s waist.

6. Clothing that is too tight or too loose is not appropriate for school.

7. A student’s hair must be kept clean and tidy at all times.

8. Hair should not be touching the shirt collar and should be off the face.

9. Hair colour must be the student’s own natural colour, no dye nor highlights are allowed.

10. Make-up must not be worn. Students are not permitted to have visible tattoos.

11. Punctuality is essential at all time.

12. No Student will remain in the campus or in the class room after the last bell has rung.

13. Students are forbidden to bring valuable article such as jewellery, costly fountain pens, wrist watches, mobile phones.

14. Every child must carry a bag / satchel, No books should be carried loose.

15. Students should treat school staff with respect at all times and be courteous to fellow students.

16. Students will refrain from damaging any form of school property. The school reserves the right to be compensated by the student for any such damages.

17. Students are not allowed to come through bikes.

18. Unacceptable or disrespectful behaviour shall render disciplinary actions against you, which includes termination from the school.

19. We expect parents and guardians to be cordial and polite with staff of the school are also requested to maintain a proper dress at all times while entering the school premises.

September 2024

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